Tag: Tips

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Whether you’ve just moved into the apartment of your dreams or you are looking to make a move ensuring your home is safe for your pet is key to keeping both you and your furry friend happy and healthy...
7 Tips on Working From HomeAs we write this, there's a global pandemic going on, which means people are being told to stay home as much as possible. That means many people are now working from home. I...

5 Important Questions to Ask Before Moving

Don’t make your move more stressful than it has to be! Prepare by asking these five questions before you move.
It’s no secret that moving can be stressful. No matter if this is your first apartment or you move around every few months to a year, there are certain aspects of moving that are simply not fun. At Th...

How to Clean and Organize Your Apartment in 4 Easy Steps

Get started on Spring Cleaning early with these organizational tips and tricks!
Unless you’re completely off social media or live under a rock, by now you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and her “KonMari Method” of tidying up your home. If you’re not familiar with Marie Kondo, you can...

5 Ways to Get More Motivation to Work Out

Struggling to find motivation to keep your New Year’s resolution going? Try out these 5 tips and make 2019 your best year yet.
It makes sense that January is a popular time for resolutions; the new year brings thoughts of new beginnings and can signify changes. It’s also no wonder that the majority of New Year’s resolutions r...

4 Simple Ways to Save Money This Year

It doesn’t have to be hard to stick to a budget! Make 2019 the year you finally get your spending in check.
Saving money can be a lofty goal. It seems easy to do (just don’t spend money!), but without a plan of some sort, it’s almost impossible. Between the monthly expenses like utilities, rent, and groceri...

Simple Ways to be Energy Efficient

It doesn’t have to be hard to shrink your carbon footprint and lower your utilities usage!
It can be intimidating and overwhelming to think about your carbon footprint and how to save our natural resources. But it doesn’t have to be hard, and with a few simple apartment upgrades and habit c...
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